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Kood: MG4246260

Pot-/Combi dishwasher Metos WD-10S


Hinnakirja hind 0,00 €

Metos WD-10S with 4 washing programs is all you need to receive a perfect washing result without scrubbing or using granules. The easy-to- clean design helps the operator to always keep the dishwasher hygienic and fresh.

WD 10S is equipped with a high-pressure dual-pump system designed to tackle even the toughest cleaning tasks. With no need for granules, it efficiently cleans dishes with impressive water flow pressure, perfect for heavy-duty operations in supermarkets, schools, bakeries, catering facilities, and more.

The electrically controlled water pressure allows for easy switching between normal dishwashing and heavy-duty operations. Features like the interior lighting and the extra low noise level give the operator an improved working environment. All loading of dishes is made from the front, through the door, which provides a compact installation and ergonomic handling of dishes.
- Capable of accommodating bulky dishware with an opening height of 820 mm.
- Powerful dishwashing with water pressure of up to 1 bar.
- Offers options for varied heavy-duty dishwashing tasks.
- 4 different washing programs available.
- Low noise level relative to dishwashing power 53dB normal washing / 56 dB Heavily washing (SS-EN ISO 9614-2 The A-weighted sound pressure level LpA in a free field 1 meter from the machine.)
- Soft start feature.
- Soaking program with reduced water pressure.
- Easy to clean with smooth interior surfaces.
- Display in tempered glass.
- Drain pump with functions such as automatic draining and water change.
- Break tank with boosting pump according to EN1717 standards.
- Energy-saving system
- Compact installation
- Status indication
- Energy-saving mode
- New spray arm - optimized for better coverage and designed for heavy- duty dishwashing.
- Customized basket inserts for different types of dishware.
- Interior lighting

- ECO-FLOW heat recovery with rinse function.
- Stainless steel fittings in final rinse.
- Detergent dosing for liquid detergents.
- Lowered lift height 50 or 100 mm for adaption to limited ceiling height.
Kirjeldus Pot-/Combi dishwasher Metos WD-10S
Mõõtmed ja mahutavus
Mahutatavus max 30 basket/hour
Sisemõõt mm 815x670x820
Laius mm 1000
Sügavus mm 900
Kõrgus mm 2020/2400
Pakendi maht 2,31 m3
Pakendi mõõdud (LxPxH) 210x110x100 cm
Neto kaal 0 kg
Pakendi kaal 0 kg
Tehniline informatsioon
Ühendusvõimsus kW 14.4
Kaitsme võimsus A 25
Elektripinge V 400
Faaside arv 3NPE
Sagedus Hz 50
Elektrikaabli pikkus mm 3000
Toitekaabel max mm² 2.5
Elektriühenduse tüüp Turvalüliti
Märkused, külm vesi hose 1m
Soojavee ühendus diam. G3/4
Soojavee vool l/min 5
Soojavee surve min kPa 100
Soojavee surve max kPa 600
Äravooluühenduse diameeter 22
Äravool l/s 3
Äravooluühendus kõrgus mm 170
Märkused, trapp 1m hose
Müratase dB 56
Soojuskoormus, varjatud W 1
Boileri võimsus W 12
Tööpõhimõte elektrooniline
Puhastamine pesuprogramm
Pesukorvi mõõdud mm 815x670
Programmeritavus valmis programmid,programmeeritav
Programmide arv 4
Pesumeetod normaalne pesu,potipesu
Tühjenduspump Jah
Automaatne kubu tõstmine Ei
Mudel WD-10S
Energia ja tarbimine
Toite tüüp elekter

Teenused ja tarvikud

Hinnakirja hind 0,00 €